Corporate Governance

The purpose of corporate governance within Prebona AB (publ) is to create a clear division of roles and responsibilities between owners, the board and the company management. Governance, management and control of Prebona is divided between the shareholders’ meeting, the board and the CEO.
Board member and CEO
Christian Östberg
Orvar Otterstedt
Production and lab manager
Ragnar Bernstein
Board of directors
Chairman of the Board
Björn Hedlund
Board member
Maria Hamilton
Board member
Matti Sällberg
Board member
Claes De Geer
Board member and CEO
Christian Östberg
The auditor shall review the company’s annual report and the accounts, as well as the administration of the board and the CEO. After each financial year, the auditor shall submit an audit report to the AGM. According to the company’s articles of association, the company shall have one auditor.
The company’s auditor is Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, with Niclas Bergenmo as principal auditor.
The company’s auditor is Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, with Niclas Bergenmo as principal auditor.